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Friday, November 19, 2010

Perfect partner in pregnancy

Pregnancy is a period which men should extra love the wife. On women this is the time that they expect their men to know what they want without telling the men.

Women need to educate their partners about what they want from them during pregnancy. In Africa and probably the entire world a large percentage of men still believe pregnancy does not require their special attention or presence. This is not because they do not care about their partners, but because their dads were not around for their mothers.

Women are important people who need to be cared for and loved more than ever.There are very nice especially if you treat them with respect and love. Infect there are lovely and they care for their husband.It is important to show your loved one when she is pregnant that you respect and love what she is carrying for you.

Men on the other hand are responsible people especially if made by their wives to be. The respect that wives give to their husband is what they get in times of need. You have to fall in love many times with your wife in order to remain the best.

Men do not think of asking their partners to get involved and to play some roles in pregnancy period. Women should learn to tell their partners , spell out what exactly they need and expect from them. Communication is important in partners. It is a give and take situation and is a two way process. Both end should give and take the messages verbal and non-verbal from their partners. Perhaps men need to be educated and women should not assume their men knows what they want.

Men at times feel very uncomfortable among pregnant women and assume it is enough to drop her off at the clinic and wait for her by the car. Talking from experience women need to be accompanied and even if you are the only man among pregnant women feel proud to be there. It speaks volume to your wife and communicate to her more than any thing. The concept of men being present during deliveries is still new. Many men attend the birth more out of curiosity than a sense of responsibility.

With new technology men should take photos of their loved ones when they deliver so that they can watch time and again. This makes them realise the importance of women in the society. Women are important and need to be respected. I wonder how this universe could have been without them.

Dealing with sexual harassment

Sexual harassment is a conduct of a sexual nature that is unwanted and offensive to the recipient. It includes promises of benefits in return for sexual favours, unwelcome sexual innuendoes, sex-related jokes, intimate comments about a person's body made in their presence, enquiries into their sexual life, indecent exposure, the display of sexually explicit pictures- even unwelcome whistling.

In our contemporary society technological advancement can enable people to forward pornographic photos and innuendoes that undermines ones stature and can be viewed as sexually harassment. People, especially ladies are exposed to sexually harassment on daily mundane. At work especially in higher learning institution some of the comments passed either by male student to female students or lecturers to female students are a good example of sexually harassment.

It is easy and simple to deal with sexually harassment either at work or at college. Do the unexpected by naming whatever the person harassing yo have just done and be specific. Hold the harasser accountable for his actions. Do not make excuses for him or her pretending it did not happen. Let people know what the harasser has done. Privacy protects harassers, but visibility undermines them.

At times making honest, direct statements that is speaking the truth is the best way to shame the harassers. Speaking the truth avoid threats, insults, obscenities, appeasing verbal fluff or padding. At time it is wise to be serious, straightforward and blunt when dealing with sexy bully.

Women are constantly harassed because they do not stand the ground. If possible demand that the harassment should stop. Repeat it if the harasser persist and tell the perpetrator that you are taking the issue either to the policemen or relevant officials be it at work or at college. In other word stick to your own agenda and do not respond to the harasser's excuses or tactics.

another salient tactics to deter and to put in shame the sexually bully is to reinforce your statement with strong, self-respecting body language ; eye contact, head up, shoulders back and a wearing a serious face. Do not smile at the perpetrator. Using a combined verbal and physical response respond well to physical harassment.

Many a times ladies are harassed in the public and they allow the perpetrator to walk free. Sexually bully's should be put into shame and let them know that you are a force to be reckoned. If you are beautifully ally man will either comment at you or will say naughty statements. Let them respect you and think many times before they utter rubbish to you

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Children's rights through Zimbabwean Media

Children's rights reporting is a new phenomenon or genre that has gain momentum in the journalism fraternity, especially in Zimbabwe and the entire world.

The rights to children is a phenomenon that can be drawn from the international human rights conventions such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) 1948, International Covenant on civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and many others that started in the eighteenth century by developed nations. Zimbabwe as well as many other developing nations are guided by the United nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in protecting the children from abuse.

UNCRC states that people under 18 have all the rights it contains, whatever their race, religion or abilities, what ever they think or say, and whatever type of family they come from. Children are entitled to survival rights, development rights, protection rights, participation rights and so forth.

Human rights conventions both international and home made ones attempt to protect children from abuse and harassment. In developing nations there is gross invasion and violation of children's rights. Media both print and electronic do not full educate the masses on the danger of children's rights infringement.

Both a boy child and a girl child suffers from gross invasion of their rights. At times our culture, religion and tribal practises have certain socio-cultural activities that infringe children's rights. The issue of circumcision that is said to be the best to prevent HIV/Aids violate the rights for children. In some tribes like Xosa and Varemba a boy child do not graduate to manhood until he is circumcised. Circumcision should be by choice and not a must. Fear for Isolation of children who do not follow their socio-cultural traits and regarding them as outcast is violation of children's rights.

The first important model of preserving children rights is the "Values and Awareness" model. The main focus of this model is to educate and provide basic education on human rights to the masses. For example in Zimbabwe and many other developing nation the media is used to condemn the abuse of children. Zimbabwe mainstream media plays a vital role of unearthing and exposing those who abuse children.

Girl child sometimes are forced by parents to leave school at a tender age and to get married to a person out of her choice. Some fall pregnant at a very tender age and joins a polygamous marriage which again undermine their rights. The Sunday Mail in Zimbabwe have been exposing and informing the masses on such happenings.

The lacking aspect in child reporting in Zimbabwe is that children are not given platform to speak for themselves. It is salient to hear the views of the children and hear how they feel about the infringement of their rights.

Ethical values should be respecting when reporting about the abuse of children. Journalist should not write the names of the victims as well as their photos.This can make people identify the victim.

A fair coverage should be give that represent all sides. Parents should be talked to before publication of the story.In Zimbabwe some stories writes the names of children and sometime the photos of the victim. This lead to isolation of the children affected and give a negative portrayal.

The second model of reporting on the abuse of children's rights is "accountability" and this model show an understanding of human rights issues. Media through this model directly or indirectly protect the abuse of children's rights.

In addition, the model focuses on building human protection and advocacy skills as well as deepening understanding of human rights law. Training sessions for human rights activists and documenting human rights abuses are the core business of this model. In Zimbabwe there are several human rights civil society for human rights, but few that represent children's rights. The Girl Child Network is a good example of one of the non governmental organisation that represent and present the girl child.

Media in Zimbabwe have not done much to document the abuse of a children human rights. The killing of innocent children by parents after disputes and for rituals is something that media should document.

Children in Zimbabwe and other developing nations have a challenge in attending primary education. In Zimbabwe the Basic Education Assistance Module (BEAM) is an attempt to assist children to attend early education.

Despite having BEAM to assist children to attend primary education in rural areas many children have no access to primary education. Poverty in developing nation like Zimbabwe affects full implementation of children rights.