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Saturday, April 2, 2011


When she looks at the sky, the sky looks through her
As she smile all the water lilies oozes
She always wear an iron curved smile
I love this flower

With a soft cooing voice she mellows my heart
When she speak, there is rhyme and rhythm in my ears
She pouts her lips like a coca-cola bottle
Two holed checks manifest,
A heart face protrude
The flower is beautiful

She walks like a tom cat
Her breast is decorated with two hills
Her forehead glitters with love
I like this flower

Life is never the same with or with out her
She gives me hope all the time
She gives me reassurance
Despair run away from her
I like this holed check born woman

She mellows my heart
As i think about her my heart throbs like drum beat
Her curved hips twist from an acute to an obtuse angle
i Love this flower

She carries the fountain of love in her face
A pool of it in her breast,
Melody and sweetness in her waist ,
Sea of it in her body
She quench my thirst for love
I love this flower