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Sunday, October 11, 2020

Rare characteristics for ethical leadership

TO lead is a calling which many do not have despite being learned, and is believed to be an innate ability which cannot be learnt, but that human being are born with. For one to be a good leader they should be guided by honesty, fairness and just, loyalty, respect, humane, team building, value driven and value awareness and not to violate work ethics. Ethical leader across the globe have rare same characteristics that are built on consciousness to appreciate accurate ideas. In other terms, although they may be having a colossal task to clearly articulate sign post of ethical leadership, they care and do things that appeals to ordinary people as well as to the professionals all the time to ensure value addition. Ethical leaders are driven by fairness and justice not only in implementing and executing their duties, but also in dealing with other employees. When dealing with an issue they disconnect it from an individual to avoid favouritism, but to enhance equality. A bias that may be caused by gender, ethnicity, and nationality is avoided at all cost all the time. Ethical leaders respect others and thrive on team work by listening attentively to workmates. Leaders who are ethical value their contributions as well as those that are made by their workmates, are compassionate, generous and critical in their analysis by asking what if it does not work. Honest and loyalty are also receipts of ethical leadership. Ethical leadership conveys facts no matter how strange they are to ensure transparency and dependability. Ethical leaders in their decisions and dealing with others are humane, and places magnitude in kindness, not greedy and do things to benefit all the team members. The sense of togetherness, collegiality and community as well as team work is fostered in an organisation as well as to the employees. Ethical leaders are more keen to achieve both organisational and teamwork goals. They always make an effort to attain goals that benefit the entire organisation, not just one person and do not celebrate the suffering of others. Decisions are checked, verified and critiqued as a team to ensure that they meet the organisation mission, values and goals. Only such decisions that add value to an organisation are implemented. Employees enjoy the benign environment displayed and thrives to flourish as they are rewarded for initiating innovative ideas, and to improve their working standards. Employees are praised from the onset and motivated to do their best all the time. Ethical leaders walk their talk and their expectations which are applicable at individual level. The ethical leader is on the lead and is prepared to bear the blame if things fail to work out accordingly. Ethical leaders communicate openly and effectively on high values and expectations looked forward to employees. Constant communication and discussions ensure consistent understanding on the organisational values and goals. Ethical leaders are guided by code of conducts, corporate code to ensure good governance, transparency, honest and make the employees to be responsible and answerable to their action without being ruthless.

Toxic Gases and Human Life

There are many gases produced by cars, machines, and waste that can affect the flow of the oxygen within human red blood cells. Pick from my ordinary level there are cell that transport oxygenated and de-oxygenate blood within human body. Today in this article I shall be talking about carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and carcinogens and the extent to which they affect both the environment and human beings. Humans local, regional and global have been encouraged to maintain a clean environment. Carbon is a building block of molecules which make up living cells and its essential elements for life on earth. Carbon can be found in gas, liquid, fossil fuels or in solid form and moves in the atmosphere, ocean, rivers, and landmass through chemical processes and geophysical means. It moves through the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, carbon acids and then flows to the ocean and all these gases are harmful to human beings as they may lead to air bone diseases like turbacolosis (TB), asthma and many others. Carbon dioxide is a gas that occurs naturally in the air and is produced when animals breathe, vegetation rots and when material containing carbon is burnt or broken down. Carborn dioxide is key component in photosynthesis, a major based source of food for organisms on earth. Through photosynthesis carbon dioxide combines with water and sunlight energy to produce sugars which provide energy for plants to grow. Many years ago, earth atmosphere consisted on carbon dioxide until plants removed gases by way of decomposition. Human kinds have reversed the process by reversing carbon through burning fossil fuels. Carbon dioxide is currently termed "green house gases" and absorbs heat in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is absorbed back into the system physically through plants, which can be tamed if humankinds destroys many trees and reduces he absorption capacity. People especially in urban centres cut down trees for fire wood sources due to erratic electricity supply. The newly resettled farmers in Zimbabwe disturbs carbon dioxide by unnecessary veld fires that end up destroying grass and trees in search for wild animals. Carbon monoxide is a colourless gas produced by incomplete combustion from vehicles and cigarettes. It is a toxic which combines with haemoglobin (the red blood cells) to form pink carboxy-haemoglobin, which prevents the red blood cells from transporting oxygen to the body tissues. In Most developing countries like Zimbabwe many vehicles are not road worth and produces exhaust fumes that produce carbon monoxide. Chain smokers have a level between 9-10% and at this level nothing much can be noticed as harm except people with heart or lungs complaints. Human being should avoid smoking, burning bushes and driving un road worth cars to curb carbon monoxide Carcinogens is a substance that can cause cancer in animal tissues as well as human beings. Carcinogens substances such as arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, cobalt, chromium and asbestos are among the substances that form carcinogens. Carcinogens can be eliminated from work place, by encouraging workers to wear protective clothing. In Zimbabwe most gas filling tanks are not well take care of, teachers who are still using chalk boards directly breathes the chalk dust and those in industry that manufacture cement, quarry stones, builders and many other professionals should avoid carcinogens in their everyday livelihoods. Article Source:

Organic Farming and Organic Gardening

MILLION years ago our societies could grow their food using an organic means which translates to the indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides that are currently used by most farmers in the 21st century to boost production. The food source generated across the world because of the inorganic approach has seized to be a vibrant, live source of nutrients and energy important for physical and mental well being. Organic farmers obey the universal "law of return", which is "what is taken out of the soil is put back in equal measure". The farmer through organic approach physical removes the weeds, products are harvested, pruning is done manually and the nutrients from plants are removed. Farmers should be encouraged to grow plants without the use of fertilizers, pesticides, and fungicides that may lead to air pollution, water, animal life, and food crops and soil degradation by using the chemical products. Organic gardening is a method of growing crops using only organic products such as manure, compost, and organic fertilizers to improve and retain soil fertility. THE gardener uses natural substances to control pests and diseases, growing insects repellent plants and companion plants which are beneficial to each other. Growing food crops using an organic method is time-consuming but healthy as a garden would have to cut the dependence on chemicals by making use of manures, composts, organic fertilizers and natural pest control methods. A gardener may apply a rich compost that contains a diverse mix of plant matter (green and brown) and animal manures. The gardener may also enforce intercropping with a diverse mix of crops and companion plants to provide the ecological balance required above and below the soil. The gardener can keep all of the soil covered with green and brown mulches which keep the root zones and soil cool and can provide optimum habitat for soil micro-organisms. Organic pest and disease management depends on soil health and a health eco-system full of diversity. Mono-cropping creates imbalances that attract pests and diseases. When challenges arise there are natural organic products to be used like introducing a natural predator like a chameleon, stop breeding, stop feeding and so forth. Organic farming and gardening is the practice of stewardship, maintaining a healthy environment and eco-system, whilst producing food that is full of nutrients and gives vibrant health to the animals and humans that consume it. Farmers and residents should learn to plant their garden using organic methods that enhance nutrients to the soil Article Source:

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Music is more than a way of life

THE first time I listened to Mbaqanga music, I never took it seriously and thought it can be a genre on its own to be identified as the best that could soothe and entertain someone’s soul. The bumpy panoptic rhythm sound that most listeners could respond serious by nodding their heads and mimicking the words, was only what I thought could have caused many to lose their heads to it, not knowing that there is much into it. The way of life, which most people around my village have been crying foul to have been lost to the western lifestyle is something I took lightly as I grew up. With age catching up with me, I started paying attention to most of the music played around by the youngsters’ that has melodious rhythm but with the vulgar message. At first, I thought since I am schooled, I should listen to western music, but inward my heart reminded me of Mbaqanga , which when my father played it in his car it gradually gave me a lilting spasm. I listened to Jazz music which had permeated to my heart and especially the rhythm of the saxophone which again the Mbaqanga musicians tempered around within most of their songs. With time as I was aging, the issue of culture started building heavily inside me and I could not ignore it any further. This was worsened by the absence of my father who passed on for more than a decade and what I could recall more than anything else was the music that he was attuned to. This takes me down the memory line where I could visualize seeing him with a simpering smile listening to the Mbaqanga music. The more I listened to this type of music the more I developed acknowledgment of who I am, and how I could brand myself in the twenty-first century. The message that I could get to the music of this type buddies me to my past, my father’s way of living, and also reminding me of my Nguni language as well as the way of life. I never thought this music can be danced around like any that I have listened to before, until the time I had to buy videos for Soul Brothers from across Limpopo. I enjoyed their smart, stylish dance in response to Mbaqanga music. They picked it slowly but with talent and could show-off out of their bodies. The fact that the message of most of their words are rich and filled with proverbs and idioms, as well as innuendoes that remind me of the novels I read before, is something I could not take lightly. Now, all seem to have been lost to the Mbaqanga music as I could hardly spend a day without spoiling my ears with its rhythm. The more I play it, the more genuine and could identify who I am, apart from allowing me to show off my prowse with the gyrating of my waist which seems to have surrendered some of its vibrant to the call of nature. With charm and confidence, I can openly share with anyone prepared to listen to my wisdom that music is the food for the soul that helps one to enhance the culture and first language. It soothes one’s soul and allows him to get his or her blood circulating while reminiscing the past that shapes the future. I wonder whether I could be sure who I am without the help of the music that also fills my head with wisdom and knowledge that many lacks, albeit being schooled in their areas of expertise. I wish if I can get the collection of the old Mbaqanga music so that I feed my soul with its lyrics at the same time appreciating the talent that no longer exists as the most talented artist left with their artistic talents