Public relation is an interesting profession which needs a person who is sociable, well articulate, and good in handling language both spoken and written. The Public Relation profession is there to create the image for an organization and the public, and should have a Janus face.
A Janus face means that while PR in any organization should communicate the policies and other important messages about the operation and objectives of the organization, he should simultaneously communicate back to the organization about the views of the public towards an organization. This is a two way process which should be kept flowing.
Language is one important vehicle that needs to be handled with care in order to achieve maximum respect in this field. We do things with words be it written or spoken. As a public relation professional, language should be use as a maximum benefit for both your organization and the public. People who did arts subjects at advanced level, especially English Literature are the best to be trained as public relations professionals.
All individuals were born with a talent of convincing and driving people through words. It is with words that one can cause the public to sympathies, sulk, trust, and again lose the customers. Just the way people dresses themselves, they should dress heir language for professional purposes.
People who have been in journalism like me have strong public relations and can serve the organization well if placed in public relation post. Marketing skills and advertising another fields that journalist are taught about are the salient aspect in the public relation field.
In Africa public relation is a profession that is not taken serious as compared to developed countries. Yet it is important for such post to exist in all business and can contribute immensely to decision making. Public relation can be placed in the Executive management depending on the structure of the business. It can also fit well in the decision support system of any given organization since they interact with the public, other organization and with workers.
In short public relation is communication that serves the image of an organization and leaves it in a resounding state. All channels of communication should be kept open and infinity for health communication within an organization to take place. Organizational policies should have the biases of public relation and an “open door” policy should be encouraged to ensure effective communication. Public relations should foster top-down, down top and side communication to flow smoothly
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