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Saturday, May 2, 2009

What is a name?

A name is a word formed out of syllables through which human and objects can be identified. A name can have impact that can be neither positive or negative. It is a symbol through which memories can be envoked to imagine. In fact a name is more than what all human beings can think of.Names carries respect, love, hate and triggers peoples emotions. All human beings have symbols to identify them. Like myself i am Caven and who ever hears that name can be happy, provoke, enticed, respect or filled with love. Respect is something that one can claim to have. It is derived from what you are, you do to others and sends echoes to human kind. Attempting to be sociable, humane and lovely can bring about respect to you. Moreso, education and intelligents can also work as an attributes for ones respect. As a human being you should and have to crave incessantly for respect.Love again is something that i hope all human beings live to enjoy and to have and show in abundance in this universe. This word have to be considered from a wide spectrume to include non intimate love. Hence love for peace, prosperity and assisting those in need of your help. Intimate love is the one that human are so much into. This element have caused people to run head over hills, to commite suicide and to render themselves useless. It is a God given gift that no one can total claim to be in control. Well others can nurture it, but some have the inert one.They are individuals who are loveable and lovely. You just look at some one and feel moved and loving. All that can be alluded to a name.Hate again is an element that every human being possesses in this universe. Albeit that it is not good for one to have in it in copies. We hate others because of their names. Not only mere names, but for what they would have done tracing their lineage. Hence tribal hate, sex and gender hate and so forth. Another day when i was seated in the park reading my book, a hate message passed my eavesdrop that had hate. A certain gentleman said i hate the Ndebele ladies because they are loose. Ndebele is a tribe that identifies my tribe and it is a name through which my people can be identified. I could tell that the name have caused hate. I was moved but could not do anything about it.A name can trigger peoples emotion! yes, that is true and i am an example that stand to testify. When i was nominated twice as the NAMA nominee in 2007 and 2008 most people were eager to know who exactly i was. Not that they wanted to fight me nor praise me but, because they did not expect the paper that i work for to have a NAMA nominee quality. On tribal ground i have head people saying rubbish and mentioning names, associating it with bad happenings. I use to work with a certain man who use to look me negatively always.Any word that i say would then associate it with my tribe. He will say Ndebele people are blood thirst and i hate them. This person was triggered and provoked by my tribe.I had not querrel with him not even a single day and use to respect him. I could tell that it was the name of my tribe that angered him.One day I got a call while in the Office, and a certain lady all the way from Englands said can i speak to Masuku Caven. When i told him that he was the one in the receiver she got fascinated and wanted me to give her all my details. The issue was that he worked with my brother and were in good books. The name "Masuku" and "Caven" is a symbol and an identity through which she could identify me and the persons we are.So a name is important to be worked for. People should behave in order for them to be respected and loved.Where ever i work i have left a good name that even my former employers wants to associate with it. Even at school, my teachers use to love me and could identify respect and love through my symbol which is simultaneously an identity. Buffons are not respected and carries with them tainted names. No one would wish to associate with an embecile or a buffon. Worse still with rauge or rascal and such people can be identified through their names which later, can be generalised , such that who have bears a similar name in looked upon negatively.If you have any comments please feel free to exchange with me. I stand to be corrected if i am wrong and promise that i will accept what you think is true about the name. The world never end to amaze and learning is an ongoing

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